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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/17 Mædmonað

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17. dæg Mædmonðes: Grundgesetnes Dæg in Sūþcorea (1948).

  • 1762Petrus III slōg man æt Ropshan, fēa nihte æfter ðe his cƿēn Caþerine II hine he asettede of his cynedōm and heo fang to rīce.
  • 1815Napoleonisc Gūða : Napoleon made his formal surrender to Bryttisc þreat anbord HMS Bellerophon æt Rochefort-hȳðe on Francum, sƿylc beended þā Hund Dagas.
  • 1936Nationalist ƿiðerfeohtendas in Spēonlande genēðedon rīceslege ƿiþ þǣre Oðer Spēonisc Cyneƿīse, an ongannen þone Spēonisc Ingefeoht.
  • 1945Winston Churchill, Iosef Stalin and Harry Truman met æt þǣre Potsdam Geþæhte to gerǣdenne hū man mōt gerecan Þēodscland æfter þǣre Oðran Ƿoruldgūþe.
  • 1998 – Biologists reported in the scientific journal Science how they sequenced the genome of Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis.