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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/18 Mædmonað

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18. dæg Mædmonðes:

Rōmbyrig æled

  • 64 – Se Grēat Rōmisc Fyr ongann onmang scoppan ymbe þone Circus Maximus þærin seald man ældberende ƿare, and his brand adilglode fēoƿer of fēoƿertiene Rēmisc læppan and hefige derode seofen læppan, þærin ƿæs healf þǣre ceastre forbærned.
  • 1863Americanisc Ingefeoht: Læd be Robert Gould Shaw Gædes Heres Ƿerodþegne, ƿæs se 54þ Massachusetts Volunteer Feþna Ƿerod, se ƿæs se forma African American ƿerod, se ord in þǣre onræsse on Ƿagner Byrig neah Charleston on Sūþcarolina.
  • 1982Guatemalan ðreat and hiera paramilitary allies onslōgon over 250 Mayaƿare campesinos in Plan de Sánchez þǣm ƿīce, se is on Niðrum Verapaze bedǣlunge.
  • 1966 – Se Americaniscan ƿoruldrūmmission Gemini 10 ongann.
  • 2002 – Þær nām Spēonisc cempan Petersiligeīeg of Marocaniscan sǣfaroþ endode sēo "Petersiligeīeggūþ" (on biliþe).