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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/28 Searmonað

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28. dæg Searmonðes: Vidovdan in Serbie.

Sarajevo burgweard feng Gavrilo Princip, 1914

  • 1389 - In þǣre Cosofo Beadƿe, habbaþ Turcas forhīendon Serbas and Bosniaƿare.
  • 1914 - Iugoslafisc þēod geþafa mann Gavrilo Princip ācƿellode Fransicus Ferdinand Hēahheretoga Ēastrīces, sƿylce dǣd ƿæs se ǣrspearca þǣre Forman Ƿoruldgūþe.
  • 1919 - Se Friðuƿǣr Versailles was signed and endode þǣre Ǣrest Ƿoruldgūþ.
  • 1956 - Ƿyrhtan in Posne on Polum healdan micla sacunga demanding the lowering of food prices, raising of wages and revoking some recent law changes that worsened working conditions, but were violently repressed on ðæm æfterfolgendan dæge.
  • 1969 - Ongeagn to burgƿeard onræs ǣt þǣm Stānƿeall Inn in Nīƿeoforƿicburg, bæddelhēap begannon sacunga ƿiþ Nīƿe Eoforƿic Burgƿeard gerēfum, sparking the modern worldwide LGBT social movement.