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Stæfcirice be Eidsborg on Þelum
Sumor in Þelamearce
Þelamearces scild
Þelamearces stede on Normannum

Þelamearc (Norðisc: Telemark, Eald Norðisc: Þelamórk) is land on Norþwege. Be norþwesten hiere līþ Hereðaland and be sūþwesten is Agder. Buskerud is be ēasten Þelamearce.

Þis land hæfþ his naman of Þela, þā wæron beorgfæst folc in þissum dālum in geardagum and in þissum dūnum wæron hie gecūþen in þære wicingylde.

In 1935 timbroden Normenn timberbold for hefigwæter on Þelum and in þære Ōðran Woruldgūþe feng Germaniafolc þes stede þe hie meahten timbrian cyrnwæpen. Norðisc wiþerstandcempan hine adiglode and gewonnen lof swa 'Þelamearces Heardingas'.

In þæm twentigoþ gearhund nīwu scīr wæs gestaðoled sēo feng þone naman Þelamearc ofer Þelamearce and fyrðrum landum oð se sǣrīm and in 2020 wæs þēos scīr mid Westfelde gecnytted þe hie biþ ætgædre Westfeld and Þelamearc.