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Īƿungplega is spearccræftig plega þe hafaþ brūcendƿeald þe ƿyrceþ īƿungandsƿare on īƿungsearu. Þā spearcsearulīcan endebyrdnessa þā mann brȳcþ tō plegenne īƿungplegan hāteþ mann plegendebyrdnessa. Bȳsnu þisra sind hādspearctellendas and īƿungplegtōlas. Hīe sind on micelnesse fram hēafodspearctellendum oþ lytele handspearctellendas. Ānlīce tōmearcode īƿungplegan, tō bȳsne glēoīƿungplegan, ƿǣron āne folclīc ac nū sind acƿinene on nytte.

Þæt ƿealdsearu þe mann brȳcþ tō stēorenne īƿungplegan hāteþ mann plegƿeald, and is missenlīc æfter plegendebyrdnesse. Tō bȳsne, sum plegƿeald mihte synderlīce standan on cnæppe and ƿealdstycce, ac ōðer plegƿeald mihte habban manige cnæppas and ƿealdstyccas. On sundorspearctellendum brȳcþ mann oft cǣgbord and mūs ætgædere, ac on sumum īƿungplegtōlum is þǣr fēlende īƿungbred, þā mann hrīnþ tō stēorenne.

Se mǣsta dǣl īƿungplegena hafaþ sƿēgas þā cumaþ þurh sƿēgforþsendungsearu, and on sumum (geƿunelīce on genettplegum) cann mann sprecan þurh mūþbitan tō ōðrum plegendum. Mid þǣm plegƿealdum sumra īƿungplegena sind þǣr gesƿingandsƿare tō aspelienne gesƿing on þǣm plegan.