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1984 (bōc)

Fram Wikipǣdian
Þis gewrit is ymbe þā bōc. For þǣm gēare, sēo 1984.

Nigontīene-Fēower-and-Hundeahtatig (oþþe 1984) fram George Orwell (se wrītungnama Eric Arthur Blair), is 1949. gēares Englisc bōc ymbe līf under tōweardlicre eallmihtigre gewealdunge in þǣm 1984. gēare. Sēo spricþ ymbe þā lāre Wynnstānes Smiðes, wyrcend þæs Ambihtes Sōðes, þæs weorc biþ sēo adihtung stǣrlira gelimpa tō fremienne þā rǣdas þæs onwealdes.

Manige manas secgaþ þæt þe 1984 is an ōðermyntendelīc spell for þā oferlǣdende gemǣnscipesrǣdlīc rīcu, gelīc þǣm Sofiet Gesamnunge and his inholdan rīcu.

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