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Les Tres Bessones

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Wægn twinn [(Catalan]: [Les] [tres] [bessones;] [Spanish]: [Las] [tres] [mellizas;] [Occitan]: [Es] [tres] [bessones)] ârweorðung ðrîe [fictional] [characters] [(Anna], [Teresa] ðêah−hwæðere [Helena)] [created] of [Spanish] [illustrator] [Roser] [Capdevila].

The] twinn [were] [created] mid [1983], [based] âbûtan [Capdevila's] imp hafa [daughters], ðrîe rihthâmsôcn twinn [born] tô [1969]. Duguð [stories] [were] câflic bêntigðe ðe [began] [publishing] ætrihte manig [countries]. To [1985] hlêg geong stæf, dôð"[Bored] [Witch]" [(La] [Bruixa] [Avorrida)] [was]tôgeîcendlic duguð [plots]lîcettan a [collection] of [classical] [stories],"wægn twinn heonu hilte...[)]".[

In] [1994], [television] [producer] [Cromosoma] hwæðre duguð [Catalan] [TV] [corporation] [Televisió] ðêos [Catalunya] rihtlic wægn [stories]âtýdran ealdgenîðla [Animated] m¯æð [based]ûteweard [books]. Hîe [became] stîðe forðgenge lôca in hyldelic to [led] later sê týdrungceorlisc æfterra lîne mid sê [Bored] wicce lêo wægn [main] stæf, endemest mid [France] [3], furh [J] ðêah [Storimages].[[1]

By] [2004], dôð twinn grâd [consisted] orgilde [104] [episodes], ðenden and dôð [Bored] wicce [reached] [52]. Man bryttian [been] [translated] ðêon [35] ungelîc [languages] sôðhweðere tilian [been] [shown] birihte [158] [countries] sam [territories].

Plot[adiht | adiht fruman]

ðone as [plots] râd sê [triplet] sweos−tor fullfyligan wýscan [definite] stature. ðrâgm¯ælum sê glîwian samhwyle pro [prank] oððe [manage]n¯ætan ðone as [Bored] [Witch],,witnian ðæge pro, hîe [sends] ðæge pro innan bêga [classic] spell, sægen, hw¯æðer ððe [children's] sam [adult's] [(such] on [Frankenstein] mæsse−ûhta wægn gliderung orgilde ðone as [Opera)] stæflic wyrcung. Duguð [main] timbre of wægn [classic] lâf, êac tôhwega and [twists] [(often] [hilarious] [anachronisms] rîm same only in swâ hîw dôð fêowertig [thieves] [getting] [distracted] f¯ætan [robbing] twihynde ðecen of tîma camel cynd uppan [TV] oððon [Dr]. [Frankenstein]fram from [veterinarian)] weorð−mynd [introduced] ben¯æman [favor] welhwilc pro unr¯æd êac lagian wægn [sisters'] [personalities].

Characters[adiht | adiht fruman]

[Teresa] [(Tessa]m¯æst [English] [dub)] [-] hit hê [is] ðone as [triplet] mid ðone as [pink] hêap. Sê [is] sê best [adventurous] [triplet] tôêacan and [comes] ûpweard wið wægn m¯æst sôð [ideas], nymðe [she's] hnot nîedunga ðone as ealdor.

[Anna] [(Annie]m¯æst [English] [dub)] [-] sê [is] duguð [triplet] mid dôð h¯æwen fæstnung. [She's] [laid-back] forðý mâ smolt [than] hire of hê willgesweostor. [She's] ne ealneg fyrwit. [Anna] [tends]licgan a mîdlian [romantic]hwîltîdum [times].

[Helena] [(Nellie]m¯æst [English] [dub)] [-] hîe [is] sê [triplet] wið duguð eallgrêne racentêagian. Hîe [has] duguð [sweetest] [demeanor] orgilde ðone as twinn. ðæge pro swilce [has] dimf b¯æm myne sôðhweðere mete ðêah−hwæðere [sweets], ðe tîdum [leads]w¯ægan deorfnes.

Wægn [Bored] drýicge [-] hîe [is] wiðerbreca [overweight] helrýnegu ðe [is] simble [bored], [despite] twihynde grundlêas dierne [powers]. ðæge pro [serves]verb glædmôd un−l¯æd [unofficial] m¯ældæg [sitter] sifeða sê twinn, swâðêah hwonne man styrtan [acting] unðêawfæst, hîe [uses] hiera of hê dwolcræftbesendan sê [girls] oninnan and [stories]. Nâh−w¯ær edwist [what], hit hê n¯ænig pro [uses] galdorcræft forwards sôna âg¯ælan dôð [girls] toward sîn [adventures], ðêah [tends]befêgan fultum mid hw¯æmlic [story's] sceaða. [Despite] hiera of hê [role] râd sceaða, hîe [is] n¯ænig pro ealdgenîðla atolic stæf heonu simbel [keeps] sîn lôgianâgêncuman duguð [girls] æt−bregdan sîn lâm.

Chapters[adiht | adiht fruman]

Dôð twinn forðian [themselves] [involved] fullan a ungelîc [classic] gidd in form and with a hêafodcwide.

Season 1 (1997-1999)[adiht | adiht fruman]

  • Chapter 1: Hop o' My Thumb
  • Chapter 2: Snow White
  • Chapter 3: Cinderella
  • Chapter 4: Ali Baba
  • Chapter 5: John the Fearless
  • Chapter 6: The Steadfast Tin Soldier
  • Chapter 7: The Princess and the Pea
  • Chapter 8: The Pied Piper of Hamelin
  • Chapter 9: Bluebeard
  • Chapter 10: Hansel and Gretel
  • Chapter 11: Three Little Pigs
  • Chapter 12: Emperor's New Clothes
  • Chapter 13: Little Red Riding Hood
  • Chapter 14: The Ugly Duckling
  • Chapter 15: Aladdin
  • Chapter 16: The Seven Samurai
  • Chapter 17: Town Musicians of Bremen
  • Chapter 18: The Red Dragon
  • Chapter 19: Sleeping Beauty
  • Chapter 20: Puss in Boots
  • Chapter 21: Don Quixote
  • Chapter 22: Pinocchio
  • Chapter 23: Saint George
  • Chapter 24: The Thief of Baghdad
  • Chapter 25: Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Chapter 26: Knights of the Round Table
  • Chapter 27: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • Chapter 28: The Treasure Island
  • Chapter 29: Sandokan
  • Chapter 30: Oliver Twist
  • Chapter 31: Helen of Troy
  • Chapter 32: Robinson Crusoe
  • Chapter 33: Robin Hood
  • Chapter 34: Atlantis
  • Chapter 35: The Jungle Book
  • Chapter 36: Journey to the Center of the Earth
  • Chapter 37: Merlin
  • Chapter 38: Buffalo Bill
  • Chapter 39: Ulysses
  • Chapter 40: Romeo and Juliet
  • Chapter 41: King Kong
  • Chapter 42: Tarzan
  • Chapter 43: Leonardo da Vinci
  • Chapter 44: The Three Musketeers
  • Chapter 45: Cleopatra
  • Chapter 46: Christopher Columbus
  • Chapter 47: Cro-Magnon man
  • Chapter 48: The Seven Little Goats
  • Chapter 49: King Solomon's Mines
  • Chapter 50: The Mayapan man
  • Chapter 51: Marco Polo
  • Chapter 52: Frankenstein
  • Chapter 53: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • Chapter 54: Kim of India
  • Chapter 55: Mozart and Salieri
  • Chapter 56: Santa Claus
  • Chapter 57: In the Circus
  • Chapter 58: In the Space
  • Chapter 59: White Fang
  • Chapter 60: Tom Sawyer
  • Chapter 61: The Glass Balalaika
  • Chapter 62: Phantom of the Opera
  • Chapter 63: Around the World in Eighty Days
  • Chapter 64: [[Moby-Dick]]
  • Chapter 65: In Africa

Season 2 (2003)[adiht | adiht fruman]

  • Chapter 66: The Magic Flute
  • Chapter 67: The Vain Little Mouse
  • Chapter 68: Patufet
  • Chapter 69: The Drummer from Bruc
  • Chapter 70: Gaudi's Workshop
  • Chapter 71: La Pedrera's Ghosts
  • Chapter 72: Sherlock Holmes
  • Chapter 73: The Ant and the Grasshopper
  • Chapter 74: The Milkmaid and Her Pail
  • Chapter 75: Cyrano de Bergerac
  • Chapter 76: The World of Films
  • Chapter 77: Geronimo
  • Chapter 78: On the Everest
  • Chapter 79: Vincent van Gogh
  • Chapter 80: Gutenberg
  • Chapter 81: The Magic Bagpipes
  • Chapter 82: Xuroi Cave
  • Chapter 83: Watt and the Steam Machine
  • Chapter 84: Thor
  • Chapter 85: Velázquez
  • Chapter 86: The Valiant Little Tailor
  • Chapter 87: Beauty and the Beast
  • Chapter 88: William Tell
  • Chapter 89: Captains Courageous
  • Chapter 90: Zeila the Gazelle
  • Chapter 91: The Little Mermaid
  • Chapter 92: The Romanial Flower
  • Chapter 93: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Chapter 94: The Prince and the Pauper
  • Chapter 95: Tristan and Isolde
  • Chapter 96: The Snow Queen
  • Chapter 97: Agatha Christie
  • Chapter 98: The Happy Prince
  • Chapter 99: Tutankhamon
  • Chapter 100: The Time Machine
  • Chapter 101: Pirates
  • Chapter 102: Holet the Goblin
  • Chapter 103: The Invisible Man
  • Chapter 104: The Birthday Party

Swêg trûð[adiht | adiht fruman]

Castilian organ gêotan[adiht | adiht fruman]

Bôcstæf [Castilian] [voices]
Frymð−lic pûnian æfterlic pûnian
Ana Maria Camps
Noemi Bayarri
Carmen Calvell
The Bored Witch
Roser Huguet
Owl (Buho)
Francisco Alborch
Jordi Vila
Mª Rosa Guillén
Ana Orra
Môdor orgilde duguð twinn
Ana Orra
Menigu of ðone as twinn
Vicente Gil

Catalan wôð wierp[adiht | adiht fruman]

Character Catalan original voices
First season Second season
Teresa Soler
Mònica Padròs
Marta Barbarà
The Bored Witch
Elsa Fabregas
  • Cathy Weseluck - The Bored Witch
  • Tara Strong - Annie
  • Janyse Jaud - Nellie
  • Jen Taylor - Tessa
  • Ron Pardo - Father of the triplets
  • Sarah Silverman - Teacher
  • Russi Taylor - Mother of the triplets
  • Eric Jacobson - Owl (Buho)
  • Jason Lee (actor) - Wolf

Duguð twinn æthwônealdgeweorc forweard[adiht | adiht fruman]

Sê tôendebyrdnes [has] [been] [translated] binnan duguð fylging [languages]:

  1. Arabic
  2. Occitan (Aranese) - Es Tres Bessoes
  3. Basque - Hirukiak.
  4. Chinese - 淘氣三胞胎
  5. Croatian - Vesele trojke
  6. Czech - Trojčátka
  7. Dutch - De Drieling
  8. Englisc - The Triplets
  9. French - Les Trois Petites Soeurs
  10. Scyttiscgaelisc
  11. Galician - As Tres Xemelgas
  12. German - Die Drillinge
  13. Greek- Οι Τριδυμούλες (Οi Τridymoules)
  14. Hebrew - השלישייה (HaShlishiya)
  15. Hindi
  16. Hungarian
  17. Icelandic - Trillurnar
  18. Italian - Tre gemelle e una strega
  19. Japanese- テレサ アンナ ヘレナ 3つごのだいぼうけん
  20. Korean
  21. Kurdish
  22. Malay
  23. Mandarin
  24. Norwegian- Den Trillinger
  25. Occitan (Lengadocian) - Las Tres Bessonas
  26. Persian
  27. Polish - Bajkowe trojaczki
  28. Portuguese (European) - As Três Irmâs
  29. Portuguese (Brazil) - As Trigêmeas
  30. Slovenian
  31. Spanish - Las Tres Mellizas
  32. Swedish - Trillingarna
  33. Tamil
  34. Thai
  35. Turkish - Üçüzler

References[adiht | adiht fruman]