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Panama Wæterweg Gyrdel

Fram Wikipǣdian
Landscite þæs Panamawæterweg Gyrdles

Se Panama Wæterweg Gyrdel wæs landscipe onmiddan Panama lande. He wæs utweard landscipe þara Geanedan Ricum American and stod fram 1903 oþ 1979. Ðis land wæs se Panama Wæterweg and land fif mila brad on ælcum side, buton Panamaceaster and Colón.

On 18. dæg Blotmonðes 1903 wæs se Panama Wæterweg Gyrdel forsceapen ut Panama rices landrice, æfter ðe Panamaware and Americaware sealdon hiera handa on þære Hay–Bunau-Varilla Foremæle þærbe meahte America timbrian wæterweg ðurh Panaman fram Westsæ oþ þæm Sericus Garsecge. On 1. dæg Winterfylleðes 1979 ageaf þa Geanedu Ricu American eall þis landrice eft to Panaman and se wæterweg ah Panama siþþan 1999.